Welcome to Stanford Energy Engagement Programs!
Stanford Energy Engagement Programs address the challenge of global energy transition. Programs examine international issues, transitioning regional energy systems, and the unique challenges germane to energy sectors. Showcasing the campus-wide efforts of over 300 energy-focused faculty from all seven schools of discipline, the core research of the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy, and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Global Engagement Programs address key levers in global decarbonization such as financing energy transitions; global policy, security, justice, and equity; and technology acceleration for deployment at speed and scale. Modeling Stanford's interdisciplinary approach, stakeholders from a cross-section of industry, government, non-profit, and academia converge to address the challenge of decarbonizing the global energy system. Explore the array of Energy Engagement Programs, video content, and news here on this site.
Featured Upcoming Program

Stanford Energy Research Showcase
May 1, 2024
Industry touch-points take place throughout the energy landscape at Stanford. Stanford University's Precourt Institute for Energy concentrates the talents of the university on energy research and education, from basic science and technology to policy and business. Explore pathways for your company to engage with Energy Initiatives here. Explore Stanford Energy by topic here.
Addressing climate change and environmental justice have become top priorities for the U.S. federal government, and others world-wide. Most recently, energy has returned as a top national security concern. To explore, understand and appreciate the call to action, we are launching two important gatherings in 2024.
In January, the Stanford Government Energy Summit addresses challenges and opportunities in the energy field and emphasizes the importance of cooperation between academia and government in building a sustainable energy future. Stanford partners with the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy for this two-day program. Transitioning to low-carbon energy systems while extending the benefits of these systems to all people is a huge, dual challenge. It also offers the biggest opportunity of the 21st century. How businesses, government, research institutes and civic organizations seize this opportunity could benefit not just our environment, but the global economy and national security.
In May, Stanford Energy Solutions Week celebrates the launch of Stanford's new Sustainable Mobility Initiative, focuses on emerging and exciting energy research a day-long technical showcase, and gathers industry affiliates together to assess the year's activity, and look to the year ahead.
In the Fall of 2024, a major policy Forum will outline the challenges and opportunities to building a sustainable future. The first major convening if its kind for the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, the Forum will takes a global perspective on the challenge of decarbonizing our world and protecting our natural resources for generations to come.
We hope that you will join us at Stanford's campus for these important meetings so that our current and future leaders can together explore, understand and help shape the future of energy.
- Roland Horne, Interim Director of the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
For more information about Stanford Energy Engagement Programs, contact:
Cindy Williams, Assistant Director, External Engagement, Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University, 650.724.2613 cindyw@stanford.edu