Agenda GEF 2022
Stanford Global Energy Forum
November 2-3, 2022
Program Agendas
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Marc Tessier-Lavigne, President Emeritus, Stanford University
Stanford Energy
Yi Cui, Director, Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Arun Majumdar, Dean, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Global Energy Overview
Steven Chu, Professor of Physics and of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Networking Break
Setting the Stage: StorageX Initiative
Yi Cui, Director, Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
Panel Discussion: Transportation
Moderator: Yi Cui, Director, Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
Drew Baglino, Senior Vice President, Powertrain & Energy Engineering, Tesla
Amanda Simpson, Vice President, Research & Technology, Airbus Americas
Tom Stricker, Group Vice President, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, Toyota Motor North America
Fireside Chat with Senator Joe Manchin - Inflation Reduction Act
Moderator: Steven Chu, Professor of Physics and of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Joe Manchin, U.S. Senator; Chairman, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
12:00 pm Networking Lunch & Start-up Showcase
Setting the Stage
Fritz Prinz, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Co-Faculty Director, Stanford Hydrogen Initiative, Stanford University
Panel Discussion: Hydrogen
Moderator: Fritz Prinz, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Co-Faculty Director, Stanford Hydrogen Initiative, Stanford University
Tyson Eckerle, Senior Advisor for Clean Infrastructure & Mobility, State of California
Paula Gant, President and CEO, GTI Energy
Setting the Stage
Inês Azevedo, Associate Professor, Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
Panel Discussion: Electricity & Digitalization
Moderator: Michael Morgan, Co-founding Partner, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Triangle Peak Partners
Cameron Briggs, General Manager and Head of Future Energy, Origin Energy
Maria Pope, Chief Executive Officer, Portland General Electric
Peter Terium, Chief Executive Officer, Enowa
Networking Break
Setting the Stage
Naomi Boness, Managing Director, Natural Gas Initiative, Stanford University
Panel Discussion: Energy Transition
Moderator: Alexander Karsner, Senior Strategist at X, Co-Founder, Elemental Labs, Member of the Board of Directors, ExxonMobil
Harry Brekelmans, Projects & Technology Director, Shell
Ladislas Paszkiewicz, Senior Vice-President, Investor Relations, TotalEnergies
Moderator: Kathryn Moler, Vice Provost and Dean of Research, Stanford University
Shanhui Fan, Joseph and Hon Mai Goodman Professor, School of Engineering, Stanford University - Harvesting the Coldness of the Universe
Meagan Mauter, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University - Energy Flexibility Innovations in the Water Sector
Dan Congreve, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University - Changing the color of light: New Opportunities from Solar Cells to 3D Printers
Ram Rajagopal, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University - 24/7 Carbon-Free Electrified Bus Fleets
Jennifer Dionne, Senior Associate Vice Provost of Research Platforms/Shared Facilities, Stanford University - The Light Stuff: Enabling Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing with Atomically-Optimized Photocatalysts
5:30 pm Reception & Start-up Showcase
Remarks: John Kerry, U.S. Presidential Special Envoy for Climate
Fireside Chat with Tom Steyer, Co-Executive Chair, Galvanize Climate Solutions & Arun Majumdar, Dean, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Global Energy Heroes - Electric Fish, Mukuru Clean Stoves, Revolusolar
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Persis Drell, Provost, Stanford University Welcome
Setting the Stage
Chris Field, Director, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
Panel Discussion: Corporate Climate Pledge
Moderator: Chris Field, Director, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
Lucas Joppa, Senior Managing Director and Chief Sustainability Officer, Haveli
Michael Terrell, Senior Director for Climate, Google
Chris Ruggeri, Sustainability, Climate & Equity Leader, Deloitte
Panel Discussion: Government Energy Investment
Moderator: Alicia Seiger, Managing Director, Sustainable Finance Initiative, Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
Richard Kauffman, Chairman, Generate Capital
Jigar Shah, Director, U.S. DOE Loan Programs Office
Networking Break
Setting the Stage
Matthew Kanan, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University
Panel Discussion: Entrepreneur Dialogue
Moderator: Ira Ehrenpreis, Founder and Managing Partner, DBL Partners
Etosha Cave, Co-founder, Chief Science Officer, Twelve
Jorg Hennemann, Chief Executive Officer, EnerVenue
Jennifer Nuckles, Chief Executive Officer, R-Zero
Russ Garcia, Chief Executive Officer, Menlo MicroSystems
Bill Lenihan, Chief Executive Officer, ZOLA Electric
12:00 pm Networking Lunch & Stanford Energy Open House
Moderator: Franklin Orr, Professor Emeritus, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
Condoleezza Rice, Director, Hoover Institution and (fmr) U.S. Secretary of State
Michael McFaul, Director, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, and (fmr) U.S. Ambassador to Russia
Fireside Chat with Darren Woods, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon Mobil Corporation. Moderator: Alexander Karsner
Networking Break
Moderator: Alberto Salleo, Professor and Department Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Fang Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin
Yulia Chen, PhD. Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
Jacques de Chalendar, Adjunct Professor, Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Siobhan Powell, Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zürich
Moderator: Ashok Belani, Chairman, Genvia Board
David Long, Board Member & General Manager, BGE Water Treatment
Eric Luo, Special Assistant to President, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Mahesh Kolli, Founder, President & Jt. MD Greenko Group
Shaun Gregory, Executive Vice President New Energy, Woodside Energy
ShahYang Razalli, Head, Clean Energy Solutions, Petronas
4:30 pm Closing Remarks
Yi Cui, Arun Majumdar, Steve Chu